Once you access the Administration Panel, click on the "Import" tab, which allows you to load data in bulk via an Excel or CSV File.

CSV is a widely used text file format to import and export, in fact, you can save data in this format from most data management systems (Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Numbers, etc.).

You don’t know how to access the Administration Panel? Click here to find out.

Once the Import tab is opened, you will have two options:

"Import from Excel Template"

is the easiest method and lets you download Excel templates of the main categories of data (Contacts, Products, People, etc.). Once the desired template is opened, simply complete it with your data and import it from the same window, Goose will do everything else, assuring unique and associated keys and without risks related to incorrect import.

"Importa File Excel o CSV"
instead allows you to load any table but is intended for advanced users because some of the operations must be performed manually.

By choosing the second method, you can select the table you wish to import from the following: Leads, Customers, Suppliers, Persons, Products or Other.
The latter choice opens up a window in which you can choose which you wish to import from the remaining tables.

When attaching a file, this function allows you to choose the table in which you wish to import the data. In the case of leads, customers and/or suppliers, the table in question is CON_TRO.
The flag "headings on the first line of the file" allows you to indicate to the system that the first row in the attachment contains the column headings. It is recommended to use this format to manage the next mapping step more easily.


The CSV file processed by the Goose system requires fields to be separated by commas:

when you save a CSV file, you can usually choose the column separator character (e.g. comma, semicolon, tab, etc.).
Alternatively, you can use the more common Excel format (xls or xlsx).

After that, click on IMPORT FROM EXCEL OR CSV and if the system does not find particular issues with the forwarded file, the following screen is displayed:

From this screen, you can associate the fields on the Goose system (on the left) to the fields found on your CSV file, found in the column Associate to...

The main fields to be imported to the Goose database are:

  • CORAS: Company Name or Full Name of the contact (only mandatory)
  • CONOM: Name of the contact
  • COCOG: Last name of the contact
  • COTEL: Main telephone number of the contact
  • COEMA: Email of the contact
  • COIND: Address of the contact

There are also two very important check boxes:

  • COCLI: set to 1 it indicates that the contact is a Customer
  • COFOR: set to 1 it indicates that the contact is a Supplier

If you wish to import a single value for a specific field of all the rows, you can select Start with value in Select from file...and a new input field is displayed at the side, which allows you to edit a value.

Example: if you wish to import a series of contacts from file and you wish to set all of them as customers, simply select Start with value... in the COCLI field and enter "1" in the input field associated with the initialisation value. The same applies to COFOR if you wish to set them all as Suppliers.

If you decide to import a table linked to another you must check "Show all fields of the Table" so as to allow you to see all fields that refer to other tables in the database.
For example, in the third data column you will find "Country ID [TAB_NAZ] (COU_TAB)" - this is a field that refers to the TAB_NAZ (COU_TAB) table containing all countries. If the country ID of the TAB_NAZ (COU_TAB) and that of Country ID of your contact match, during the import, Goose will connect the two master data properly.

(You can find further help by having a look at the relational layout of the database and the description of its structure).

This procedure is not necessary if you choose to import from a template as it would be automated.

Once the field mapping work is over you can complete the import process by clicking on IMPORT ALL at the bottom of the table.

To view the imported data correctly you must always log in to your Goose App again.

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Contact us at support@gooseapp.com