The application graphically consists of: a header bar which contains a series of primary function keys, a central content area, which displays the required data, a side menu and one or more side pop-up windows

The main header bar has the following four main icons, in order:

  • Menu: on the left, it allows the side menu with all the Main Functions to be opened.

  • Synchronisation: when clicked it allows you to override data synchronisation to the central Cloud system. If the cloud shaped icon is on, it indicates that operations are pending synchronisation to the central system (the number of operations is shown in red). The system still performs a sync-check to the central server every 60 seconds, if a connection is available.

  • Cart: allows the new Quote/Order form (Cart) to be opened quickly. If the icon is on it means your Cart already contains products.

  • Home: the icon on the right allows you to quickly go back to the Homepage of the App.

In addition to the action icons, the company logo is found in the middle, which can be customised from the Administration Panel.

The administrator can, in fact, access and update the Company Logo field, found in the Settings panel of your installation (the recommendedformat is PNG 300x88 pixels).

The side Menu, which can be accessed from a special icon in the header or by right swipe, has all the modules which the user is allowed to access. The modules are classified by type, easily recognisable from their colour:

  • Contacts (Customers, Persons, Geotagging) usually identified by blue/light blue

  • Tasks (Calendar, Goals and Reminders), shown in orange

  • Products, identified in green

  • Documents (Quotes, Orders, Tax Documents), identified in yellow

  • Reports, identified in bright pink

  • Settings, identified in grey

The header and side Menu allow you to access and navigate within all the modules of the App. These simple functions allow you to rapidly access Contacts as well as Products, quickly view the Order reportsor create a new Quote.

Would you like to learn more about all the features of the Menu? Visit our main Functions section.

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